Why Should We Hire You

How To Answer The Interview Questions: Why Should We Hire You?

We can all agree that job interviews are not the easiest things to do. When you find yourself in a room with interviewers, straightforward questions suddenly seem like the most challenging thing ever. However, there are simple tips for all interview questions, like giving specific and concrete examples to show your value. However, some questions require more to nail them, like ‘Why should we hire you?’ The question ‘why should we hire you often seem simple and straightforward, but it’s not always so. Several people would agree that it is one of the most challenging questions you can be asked in an interview. It is not enough to simply say because you want the job, you’re jobless, and the money is good. That answer won’t work and won’t make the interviewers want to employ you.

When you’re asked this interview question, you need to apply caution when answering. This question aims to have you compare yourself to other candidates and set yourself apart in the process. The interviewer asks these questions to determine whether you’ll be a perfect fit for the job. Tread lightly when providing your answer, and try not to sound like you’re showing off or boastful. The question then becomes how do you answer this question correctly to get the job. Don’t worry; we’ve got your back. This article will cover why they ask the question ‘why should we hire you,’ how to answer, what not to say, and the best answers that work for the questions. Excited? Great! Let’s begin.


Why do interviewers ask, ‘Why Should We Hire You?’

Interviewers ask this question for many reasons. Most times, they want to know various things about you. Often, the goal is to find out what separates you from other candidates that they would be interviewing. They’re wondering if they would gain anything by choosing you over every other person vying for the job. Sometimes, the idea is to find out how you can handle yourself in challenging situations. The reason for this is that most candidates are stumped when asked this question. Some people find it difficult to explain why they’re the ideal candidate for a job without being boastful or telling long stories.

Another reason why interviewers ask this question is to give you an opportunity to pitch why you think you would be a great addition and asset to the company. When you answer this question rightly, your chances of moving up in the hiring process are increased. When answering this question, remember it is a great way to eliminate candidates who don’t think like the employees. Use it as an opportunity to show how you bring fresh ideas to the company that will make the company stronger.


Tips To Help You Answer ‘Why Should We Hire You’ In An Interview

Although this question looks vague, it can be pretty simple when you’re equipped with the right tips. Ensure you take your time to plan out an answer before the interview day. Note that this question can come in at any point of the interview, so be prepared at all times. While in the preparation process, these tips will help you craft the correct answer.

Check Out The Job Posting

There is no ‘one answer fits all’ with this interview question. Each job has its unique skill and qualities it needs, and your answer needs to show you possess these skills required. Pay attention to the job descriptions and take note to include the hiring manager’s requirements in your response. Find common grounds on how you meet the experience and qualities the employer is looking for without having to lie.

Research The Company

Before you go in for an interview, you need to take your time to research the company and learn its goals, mission, and recent accomplishment. This knowledge will help you answer the question and explain how you fit right into their values. Don’t just check out their website; also scour their social media handles to discover their history. Do they have media mentions? Find out more about it. Having this crucial information about this company will also help you explain better how you can help them achieve their key goals.

Relate Your Background to The Job Requirement

You must have some experience of your own, relate it to the job posting to show you’re ideal for the job. Explain how your skills and experiences make you the right fit for the position and the company. One way to do this is to address each requirement listed by the employer one by one and then add any other quality you think is important and increase your chances with the company.

Show Your Accomplishment

When you’re explaining why your potential employers should hire you, you also need to show off your accomplishment without getting boastful. If possible, support these accomplishments with numerical results. You can do this by quantifying progress made in your previous company due to your ideas by percentages. This shows your potential employer that you have the professional traits to be a great addition to their team.

Highlight Your Relevance

This is where it gets interesting; you need to point out unique experiences or qualities that make you stand out from other candidates. After researching the company, you must have determined the problems they might have. Explain how your skills and experience can come in handy to help you solve these problems. Remember that while your application gets one foot into the room, your answers and abilities are what make them invite you to sit at the table.

Keep The Answer Focused

You don’t want to start to bore your recruiter; this is why your answer to this interview question needs to be brief and concise. You can take out a list before you go into the interviews and pick essential skills you think would come in handy with the job. Stick to these and fight the need to ramble on. Your employer might lose interest in what you’re saying, which lowers your chances of getting employed.

Remain Honest

This is an integral part of the interview process. Don’t underestimate your recruiter’s ability to research you too. Most times, when recruiters sense a lie, they ask follow-up questions to discover the inconsistencies. While making it all sound good, don’t tell lies. If you’re caught, it will kill all your chances of ever getting employed.


What To Avoid When Answering ‘Why Should We Hire You?’

Although we’ve pointed out how to answer the interview question, there are some things you need to avoid to put your best foot forward.

Money Talks

The majority of the time, the compensation is the primary reason you’re looking to get hired. You know this, and so does your potential employer. There is no reason for you to mention this while you’re answering the question of why they should hire you. If you want a chance at the money, don’t mention the paycheck.

Don’t Talk About The Perks.

People tend to mention that putting them in a bad light is the perks offered by the company. Just like money talks, talking about the bonuses make the employer think that’s all you’re interested in. They will simply assume you simply want the benefits the position provides you, and you’re adding no real value to the company.

Don’t Sound Desperate.

Even if you’re interested in getting the job, don’t let your employer get a whiff of your desperation. No company’s looking for an employee who seems desperate for whatever reason. This is similar to the first tip. If you need to pay off your mortgage, keep it to yourself.

Don’t Show Vague Interest.

Don’t make it look like you have no precise information about the employer or the position you’re applying for. Instead of saying things like this kind of job or employer, make it about this particular company or recruiter. This interview question is a chance to introduce yourself to a potential work partner for the first time; make it count.

Don’t Memorize Your Answer.

While preparation is key, you don’t want to sound robotic when you’re answering the question. This is why you shouldn’t memorize the answer word for word. Instead, have an idea of what you plan to say and then tailor your response based on how the interview goes. The employer might point out a vital quality during the interview; you will need to work that into your answer. When you memorize your answer, that can prove challenging.

Don’t Focus On You

When a recruiter asks that question, they’re not wondering what they can do for you. Instead, their focus is on what you have to offer the company. This is the exact reason why perks and money don’t come into play. Make it about your strengths and why you’re qualified. Don’t go on and on about what you’re looking to get from your next position. While the recruiter is looking for confidence, they don’t want an employee that comes off as arrogant or boastful.


Sample Answers To The Interview Question: Why Should We Hire You?

Although you’re not looking to come off as a show-off, you need to talk about your skills and experience. This can be a challenging feat to achieve for many people. Luckily, you’ve got us. Below are some sample answers you can tailor to fit the question ‘why should we hire you?’ for your specific interview. Remember that this is your sales pitch; this guide will help you ace it seamlessly.

Example 1: That’s a great question. You have a bit of an advantage over me since I am still learning about the company, and you’re aware of what I’m looking for. However, from this interview, it seems like you want someone who can handle concerns effectively and quickly. I believe I’m a right fit for this job because I have ample experience in such a position. In my previous job, I was placed in charge of handling customers’ issues, and they always walked away with a renewed assurance of our capabilities.

When you answer a question like this, you’ve confirmed what they’re looking for in a candidate. At the same time, this answer allows you to share an instance where you performed the job duty efficiently with a positive outcome. If you can make the example more specific, your recruiter is bound to remember you.


Example 2: This is a critical question, and I’m glad you asked. Based on this information shared in the course of this interview and the research I carried out, it’s clear your company is looking for an experienced marketer and communicator to set them out from the competition. I achieved this goal in my previous company, where I increased their activity by over 30% by effecting targeted social media advertising. When you employ me, I will be bringing that innovative spirit to your company, and the company’s success will be a priority for me. 

This answer shows your accomplishment and further quantifies it to demonstrate your ability to perform the job responsibilities excellently. The more descriptive you make your answer, the better your chances of impressing the employer. If you can display your direct impact on other companies, the recruiter is more likely to take note of that and prefer you for the position.


Example 3: I believe that my web design space experience makes me an excellent fit for the job. In my last position, I was in charge of updating and maintaining the company’s website. I was required to regularly update employees’ profiles while posting details about upcoming events for this job. I enjoyed my job, and that is what attracted me to this position. I will be bringing my content and coding skills to this position.

This answer highlights your experience and particular skills that the job requires. When you’re able to describe your background and how you made use of your skill, your hiring manager is given a chance to view your work and decide if you’ll be ideal for the job. If you believe that this is your most vital skill, mention that in the interview.


Example 4: Earlier, you mentioned that leadership qualities were one of the skills you were looking for. I believe I possess this skill as I have ten years of experience as a sales manager. In this position, I successfully managed a team of over 15 people. During this period, I developed motivational skills to keep my team spirit high. Due to this, we could win ‘region of the year’ five years in a role. We achieved this by consistently meeting and exceeding set sales goals. This leadership skill is what I will be bringing to the table.

This answer allows you to showcase an essential skill that distinguishes you from other candidates. When a recruiter states that they’re looking for someone with a particular skill and can prove you possess this skill, it will strengthen your chances of getting employed by the interviewer.


Example 5: The job posting showed that you’re looking for someone that has patience and possesses top communication skills. While volunteering and holding an office for Girl child education, I learned the importance of patience with the campaign’s participants. Coordinating the campaign helped me develop communication and planning skills vital when carrying out the responsibilities described today.

This is especially handy when you don’t have lots of experience in the job position you’re applying for. You can fill in the blanks by mentioning skills learned while volunteering or serving in other aspects of your life. Explain these skills to show that you’re the ideal fit for this position.


Example 6: Although I don’t know other candidates’ experiences, I know I possess the qualifications necessary to fit into this position. Having worked in the same role with another company for more than eight years, I am well aware of what is expected of me. I was in charge of a team of 12 in the marketing department in my previous position. I was responsible for the approval and management of budgets as well as developing creative campaigns. A particular campaign I managed generated over a 23% increase in awareness amongst our target demographics. That’s why I believed I am ready to advance and take on a company of your size.

The fact that you started your response by pointing out that you can’t respond directly to the competition’s experience makes you look transparent. It also proves your credibility to the recruiter even before you explain your experience. In addition to the experience, you can also highlight the reason you’re interested in the position. This type of response shows your passion for this industry since you’re still in the same job after several years.


Example 7: As a recent graduate, I am aware that I lack career experience. However, my qualifications cannot be measured by experience. After holding offices during my internship and the entire course of my school days, I have learned how to multitask while prioritizing responsibilities. In this fast-paced company, I think the ability to prioritize excellently should be a significant skill.

Pointing out your lack of experience at the beginning allows you to get it out of the way while focusing on what you bring to the table. Even though you don’t possess direct skills, you can instead highlight soft skills like communications, prioritization, and others. These vital skills will serve you well during the interview process and might make you more appealing to recruiters.


Final Thoughts

Although answering the interview question ‘why should we hire you?’ can be very difficult, the tips provided in this guide will make it a smooth process for you. Don’t forget to keep it brief and focused. Also, explain why your experience and background make you an excellent fit for the job. That’s all the recruiter is looking to hear in your answer. This question is all about your strength while remaining humble. With the examples presented above, you can tailor your response to get you a seat at that company’s table.

Interview Questions

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