How to Get Out of Underemployment

As a young graduate getting a job has always been your dream right from school, and now you were able to achieve your dreams by being part of the workforce, but the challenge here is that you are underemployed. You might have been in the workforce for a while but your skills and expertise are

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How to Get Out Of Unemployment

Unemployment is an economical menace that every society abhors. It can be very traumatizing to fall within the age range of the workforce and still be unemployed. Some people might have been employed before but lost their jobs and have remained unemployed for a long time while others have been unemployed for a shorter time.

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How to Survive a Boring Job

The worst scenario ever is getting bored at work. There are quite different reasons why employees get bored and one of such reasons is; if the job is monotonous. Repeating the same task over and over again can make one bored and that is why being in a diverse job environment is the best thing

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Benefits of Using A To-Do List

Do you sometimes catch yourself wondering if it’s indeed the same 24hours that you share with everyone? Maybe, how do others stay so organized, keeping to time, and producing quality results in the same workplace? The answer to the first question is obvious, yes it is the same 24hours. For the second question, everyone has

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Mistakes to Avoid When Starting a New Job

You must be so happy. After going through that entire hustle of applications and interviews, you finally landed the job. We mean, whew! Then there’s also the possibility that you’re not as excited about it as you should be. Take comfort knowing that you’re getting closer to what you want. Or you’re in the group

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How to Improve Self-Discipline and Increase Performance

Self-discipline is one of those skills that has to be practiced and nurtured over time. Work performance and self-discipline are tightly connected. It takes self-discipline to have good performance in the workplace. You can enhance your self-discipline, just like everything else that takes time to develop. But first, let’s define the term “self-discipline.”   What

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How to Manage Generational Differences in the Workplace

For the first time in history, four distinct generations are working along with each other in the workforce. Baby boomers, Generation X, Generation Y/ millennial, Generation Z/ Gen 2020. If you include the traditionalist, there are 5 generations actively working in the workforce. Each of these generations has different patterns of personality traits and work

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How Effective Communication Can Increase Productivity

Organizational communication involves the sending and receiving of messages among interrelated individuals in a particular environment to attain a common goal. Communication in an organization is very essential because it will help an organization to meet its goals and target; without communication, an organization may find it difficult to meet up deadlines. There are diverse

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Ways to Destroy your Professional Reputation

Your professional reputation is not to be taken for granted for any reason whatsoever. As far as your profession is concerned, your reputation is everything. It means that how people see you or their impressions about you matters much more than you can imagine. Successful people are successful because of the way people have viewed

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