Why Most People Get Stuck In Their Career

Why Most People Get Stuck In Their Career

Have you ever heard someone complain about their job but continue working at the same place for a long time? Or maybe someone you know has expressed the desire to change their present career and pursue some other interest but has never seemed to work up the nerve to quit. Is that someone you?

Job satisfaction is underrated for a lot of reasons. Many people are stuck with a career they do not like or are willing to change because they feel they do not have a choice. When an employee starts to feel stuck, their level of productivity will be lowered because little to no progress is being made regarding building their career and this causes unhappiness which is not a good frame of mind to work in. Feeling stuck in a career means that you are viewing your job as a straitjacket that you want to get out of but cannot or maybe you feel your job is restricting you by not giving you all the room you need to grow or enjoy other facets of your life.


There are a number of reasons why people may start disliking their careers or even consider leaving their jobs. They include toxic workplaces, overdemanding bosses, poor welfare, stress caused by a drudgery-ridden workplace, discrimination at work, poor salaries or maybe they did not choose the career out of love in the first place and are tired of the day to day routine. It is easy to see many people complain but do nothing about it probably because they do not even really know why they are suddenly finding it difficult to enjoy their work life.

If that is the case with you or maybe you are reading so you can avoid this pitfall, this article will help you make a diagnosis by explaining some of the factors that could make people feel stuck in their careers.

  1. Money: This seems to be the biggest reason why many people remain in an unfulfilling career. If you accept a job solely because of financial gains, then there is a chance that you can get bored halfway or even come to learn that you dislike the job. High-paying jobs most times demand a lot of time and commitment to match the earnings and this can lead to stress or even affect one’s work-life balance. People who accept job offers simply because of the big paycheck at the end of the month get scared when they consider leaving because they may be weighing the possibility of getting something similar or better that will ensure that they maintain the same lifestyle they have.

For some others, they may have accepted a job so that their basic expenses can be taken care of and their bills paid or even to help with family problems, medical issues, or debts, even if the remuneration offered is not much. Taking a job out of desperation and a need to make a living can cause one to feel stuck especially when they want to leave but cannot because their basic needs have to be met.


  1. Fear of Change: Some people develop the ‘wanting to move but still here’ feeling because they would rather remain stuck at a job they do not like than make a change because they are scared of leaving their comfort zone. This could be because they have worked at the same place for years, know the same people, and have mastered the skills and responsibilities and so even if they feel that there is a need to take a step further by trying new and better opportunities, they refuse to take it.


  1. Lack of Skills: The present labour market has undergone a lot of changes and one is that it prefers skills to certifications – communication skills, soft skills, technical skills, ICT, and so on. For someone who is in a career where these in-demand skills are not focused on, his skills might be rusty or non-existent. It is now obvious why such an individual might choose to unhappily remain where they are because charting a new territory will involve undergoing an entire learning process for them to be eligible. Another scenario is a company that promotes its employees based on the skill sets they acquire. A person who has mastered no new skill since joining the team might be passed over for promotion over and over again and this would in no way help them build their career or enjoy it.


  1. No Plans: Sadly, some people have no goals they want to achieve or a big picture they are looking at. If that is the case, it will be difficult to push through challenges or track progress. They may have accepted a job on the spur of the moment and have gotten bored. But since they have nothing else in mind to do or any ideas on building their personal brand to ensure steady growth, they get stuck in a rut.


  1. Interest in Some Other Thing: This reason applies mostly to those who left a passion to build a totally different career. It could be writing, painting, music, photography, or volunteering, just something they do well and are in love with. They might be weighing the pros and cons of leaving a job to build a career out of something they love. Or they might have chosen to walk the career path they are on because they or their family think it denotes class and is more lucrative. Making the decision, in this case, could be difficult and make the person concerned view his job as a barrier restricting him from fulfilling his dreams.


Final Thoughts

Building a career is one thing, but loving it is another. If you do not have at least a measure of positive thinking towards your job, your output is going to be affected. If you have begun to view your job as a cage, try to find out why and do something about it immediately. Ask yourself what can be done. If your high-paying job is disrupting your work-life balance, could you ask your employer for reduced work hours and workload and manage a lesser pay? Can you learn a new skill? Is there anything you can do to better your work life in general and make it enjoyable? If the problems or your dissatisfaction with the job are insurmountable, could you leave and find a better opportunity?

Whatever the situation is, do not make hasty decisions on a whim simply because you are bored. Make solid plans. You could apply for jobs you want and build your professional network while still doing something you do not like but do not forget to follow protocols. If you want to quit, do not just stop coming to work. Write a letter and explain your reasons. If you are planning to make a career change, weigh the pros and cons and bear in mind that no career is perfect. Each has its challenges. But do not be afraid or guilty of reaching for your dreams. Remaining stuck in a career you do not like will not do you or the team you work with any good.

Career Advice

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