Persistence Skills

Do you need persistence skills to function well in your job role? This article provides a guide on how you can develop the skills and include them on your resume.


What are Persistence Skills?

Persistence skills refer to the ability to continue working towards a goal despite obstacles or setbacks. These skills are important because they help you stay focused and motivated, and they can help you achieve your goals and succeed in your endeavors. Some specific examples of persistence skills include:

Determination: The ability to stay committed to a task or goal, even when it becomes difficult or challenging.

Perseverance: The ability to keep going in the face of adversity, and to keep trying even when faced with setbacks or failures.

Tenacity: The ability to maintain effort and commitment to a task over a long period.

Resilience: The ability to bounce back from setbacks and failures, and to maintain a positive attitude and motivation in the face of challenges.

Persistence skills are important in many different areas of life, including work, school, and personal relationships. They can help you achieve your goals, and they can also help you maintain a positive outlook and a sense of accomplishment, even when faced with challenges.


Importance of Persistence Skills

Here are some reasons why persistence skills are important:

  1. Achieving goals: Persistence is essential for achieving long-term goals because it allows you to keep working towards your objectives, even when you encounter challenges or setbacks.
  2. Overcoming obstacles: Persistence helps you overcome obstacles and setbacks that you may encounter on the way to achieving your goals. It allows you to stay focused and find solutions to problems that arise.
  3. Improving performance: Persistence can help you improve your performance in any area by allowing you to practice and learn from your mistakes. It helps you to keep trying and learn from your experiences.
  4. Building resilience: Persistence helps you build resilience, or the ability to bounce back from adversity. It allows you to recover from setbacks and continue working towards your goals.
  5. Developing a growth mindset: Persistence is closely related to having a growth mindset, which is the belief that you can improve and grow through effort and learning. A growth mindset is important for success because it allows you to see challenges as opportunities for growth rather than as threats.
  6. Improving mental and physical health: Persistence can also have positive effects on your mental and physical health. It can reduce stress and improve your overall well-being.
  7. Enhancing relationships: Persistence can also enhance your relationships by showing others that you are reliable and determined. It can help you build trust and respect with others.

Overall, persistence is a valuable skill that can help you achieve your goals, overcome obstacles, and improve your performance in many areas of life.


How to Improve your Persistence Skills

There are several strategies you can use to improve your persistence skills:

  1. Set clear goals: Having clear goals will help you stay motivated and focused on the task at hand. Make sure your goals are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART).
  2. Develop a growth mindset: Instead of believing that your abilities are fixed, try to adopt a growth mindset and believe that you can improve through effort and learning. This will help you persist through challenges and setbacks.
  3. Create a positive environment: Surround yourself with supportive people who believe in your goals and encourage you to keep going. This can help boost your confidence and motivation.
  4. Take breaks: It’s important to take breaks to recharge and refocus. Try to schedule regular breaks into your workday to help you stay fresh and motivated.
  5. Stay organized: Keep your work area clean and organized to help you stay focused and on track. Use tools like to-do lists and calendars to help you prioritize tasks and stay organized.
  6. Seek out challenges: Seek out opportunities to learn new skills and take on new challenges. This will help you build your persistence muscles and become more resilient in the face of setbacks.
  7. Practice mindfulness: Mindfulness can help you stay present and focused in the moment, which can improve your persistence and help you stay on task.
  8. Reward yourself: Celebrate your progress and accomplishments along the way. This can help keep you motivated and give you a sense of accomplishment.

By implementing these strategies, you can improve your persistence skills and stay motivated to achieve your goals.


Jobs that require Persistence Skills

  1. Entrepreneur: Starting and growing a business requires a high level of persistence, as there will be many challenges and setbacks along the way.
  2. Salesperson: Persistence is essential for salespeople, as they often have to make numerous calls and follow up with potential customers before making a sale.
  3. Scientist: Scientific research can be a long and difficult process, and persistence is necessary to see a project through to completion.
  4. Writer: Writing can be a solitary and challenging pursuit, and persistence is needed to overcome writer’s block and continue working on a project.
  5. Lawyer: Persistence is important for lawyers, as they may need to work on a case for an extended period before seeing a resolution.
  6. Teacher: Teaching can be a rewarding but demanding career, and persistence is necessary to continue working with students who may not always be motivated or engaged.
  7. Artist: Being an artist can be a tough career path, and persistence is necessary to continue creating and promoting one’s work.
  8. Programmer: Persistence is important for programmers, as they may need to work on a complex project for an extended period before it is complete.
  9. Musicians: Musicians must be persistent in their pursuit of success, as it can be a competitive and challenging field.
  10. Athlete: Athletes need persistence to continue training and improving their skills, even when they face setbacks or injuries.
  11. Coach: Coaching requires persistence, as coaches must work with their athletes over a long period to help them improve.
  12. Social Worker: Social workers often work with individuals who are facing difficult challenges, and persistence is necessary to help them make progress.
  13. Therapist: Persistence is important for therapists, as they may need to work with clients over an extended period to help them make progress.
  14. Nonprofit Worker: Nonprofit workers must be persistent in their efforts to raise funds and awareness for their cause.
  15. Environmental Activist: Environmental activists must be persistent in their efforts to bring about change, as it can be a challenging and slow process.
  16. Politician: Politicians must be persistent in their efforts to bring about change and achieve their goals, even in the face of opposition.
  17. Lobbyist: Lobbyists must be persistent in their efforts to advocate for their cause, as it can be a long and difficult process.
  18. Fundraiser: Fundraisers must be persistent in their efforts to raise funds for their organization, as it can be a challenging task.
  19. Grant Writer: Grant writers must be persistent in their efforts to secure funding for their organization or cause, as it can be a competitive process.
  20. Collector: Collectors must be persistent in their efforts to find and acquire rare or hard-to-find items, as it can be a challenging and time-consuming process.


How to include Persistence Skills on your Resume

To include persistence on your resume, you can mention specific examples of times when you demonstrated persistence in your work or studies. Here are some ways to do this:

  1. Use action verbs to describe your persistence: Instead of simply saying that you are persistent, use verbs that show how you demonstrated this quality. For example, you might say “Persevered through numerous setbacks to complete a complex project” or “Continued to seek out new solutions to problems despite encountering numerous roadblocks.”
  2. Provide specific examples: In your resume, give concrete examples of times when you demonstrated persistence. For example, you might mention a time when you stayed late at work to finish a project or a time when you kept trying to solve a difficult problem even after others had given up.
  3. Explain the results of your persistence: Mention the specific outcomes or results of your persistence. This will help the reader understand the impact of your persistence and how it benefited your work or studies.
  4. Use relevant keywords: Depending on the job or field you are applying to, there may be specific keywords or phrases that are used to describe persistence. Include these keywords in your resume to make it clear that you have this skill.
  5. Don’t overdo it: While persistence is a valuable skill, you don’t want to overstate your persistence or make it seem like you are stubborn or unwilling to change course. Use specific examples to illustrate your persistence, but don’t make it the focus of your resume.

Examples of How to include Persistence Skills on your Resume

Example 1: Professional Summary Section:

  • Highly motivated and persistent professional with a proven track record of success in sales and customer service.
  • Demonstrated ability to persevere through challenges and consistently achieve goals through persistence and determination.
  • Skilled at building and maintaining relationships with clients, finding creative solutions to problems, and adapting to new environments and situations.

Example 2: Work Experience Section:

  • Consistently met and exceeded monthly sales quotas by utilizing persistence and determination to pursue and close leads, even in the face of rejection.
  • Successfully converted a high percentage of cold calls into paying clients by refusing to give up and continuously following up with potential customers.
  • Demonstrated exceptional persistence and resilience in the face of challenges, consistently adapting my sales pitch and approach to meet the needs and objections of potential clients.
  • Maintained a strong, long-term client base through persistent follow-up and relationship building, consistently going above and beyond to meet their needs and address any issues that arose.

Example 3: Education Section:

Bachelor of Science in Marketing, XYZ University, 20XX

  • Relevant coursework: Principles of Marketing, Consumer Behavior, Sales Management

Associate of Applied Science in Business Administration, ABC College, 20YY

  • Relevant coursework: Business Communication, Business Ethics, Introduction to Sales

Example 4: Personal Project Section:

Personal Project: Online Course on Cold Emailing

  • Created, launched, and promoted an online course on cold emailing through social media, email marketing, and guest blogging, resulting in over 500 enrollees and a 4.8/5.0 rating on Udemy.


How to Demonstrate Persistence Skills in an Interview

There are a few things you can do to demonstrate persistence skills in an interview:

  1. Share examples of times when you have overcome obstacles or challenges through persistence. This could be a time when you had to persist to complete a difficult project, or when you had to keep trying despite facing setbacks.
  2. Talk about your long-term goals and how your persistence has helped you work towards them.
  3. Describe your commitment to seeing tasks through to completion, and how you handle setbacks or challenges that may come up.
  4. Discuss any hobbies or activities that require persistence, such as playing a musical instrument or training for a marathon.
  5. Emphasize your ability to stay focused and motivated, even when faced with difficult tasks or challenges.
  6. Remember to back up your points with specific examples and anecdotes to give the interviewer a sense of how you have applied persistence in the past.


Examples of Interview Questions to Test Persistence Skills

Here are some examples of interview questions that can be used to test persistence skills:

  1. Tell me about a time when you faced a challenge or obstacle and how you overcame it.
  2. Describe a project or task that you worked on that required a lot of persistence and determination.
  3. Give an example of a goal that you set for yourself and how you went about achieving it.
  4. How do you stay motivated and focused when working on a difficult or time-consuming task?
  5. Tell me about a time when you had to persevere through setbacks or setbacks to achieve a goal.
  6. Describe a situation where you had to persist in the face of adversity or resistance. How did you handle it?
  7. How do you handle setbacks or failures? Do you view them as opportunities to learn and grow, or do they discourage you?
  8. Give an example of a time when you had to be persistent to persuade someone to see your point of view.
  9. How do you approach long-term projects or goals? Do you have any strategies for staying motivated and on track over an extended period?
  10. Tell me about a time when you had to persist to achieve a positive outcome. What was the outcome and what did you learn from the experience?



Resume Skills