Critical Thinking Skills

Do you need critical thinking skills to function well in your job role? This article provides a guide on how you can develop the skills and include them on your resume.


What are Critical Thinking Skills?

Critical thinking is the emotional intelligence to reason clearly and rationally, understanding the logical relationship between ideas. Critical thinking involves thinking about things in certain ways to arrive at the best possible solution to an issue. It is a way of thinking about whatever is presently occupying your mind so that you could come to the best possible conclusion.

Critical thinking skills are the ability to analyze information and make informed decisions. This includes the ability to evaluate arguments and evidence, identify biases and fallacies, and consider multiple perspectives. It also involves the ability to think creatively and solve problems. Developing critical thinking skills can help individuals make better decisions, improve their problem-solving abilities, and increase their overall understanding of the world. Critical thinking skills include a variety of abilities such as the ability to reason logically, evaluate arguments and evidence, identify assumptions, distinguish between fact and opinion, and consider multiple options and perspectives. It also involves the ability to question, reflect, and revise one’s own beliefs and understanding. Additionally, critical thinking skills also include the ability to be self-aware and to be aware of one’s own biases and limitations.

Critical thinking is a mental process of evaluating arguments or propositions and making a judgment. It requires you not to just accept all arguments and propositions you are exposed to but rather subject them to systematic analysis to see if they are well-founded and make sense. It includes the ability to recognize and evaluate the credibility and reliability of sources, as well as the ability to communicate effectively and clearly. Critical thinking skills are highly valued as they allow individuals to make informed decisions, solve problems effectively, and adapt to changing circumstances. Critical thinking skills are a combination of cognitive and metacognitive abilities, attitudes, and habits that enable us to think in a clear, creative, rational, and independent way. These skills help us to evaluate and make sense of information, arguments, and evidence, and to make sound decisions.


Importance of Critical Thinking Skills

  • Problem-solving

Critical thinking skills are essential for effective problem-solving. Critical thinking enables individuals to analyze and evaluate information, identify problems, and come up with effective solutions. When solving a problem, critical thinkers can identify the root cause of the problem, consider multiple solutions, and evaluate the potential consequences of each option. This allows them to make informed decisions and choose the best course of action. Additionally, critical thinking skills also help in identifying potential biases and fallacies, which can lead to inaccurate conclusions.

  • Decision-making

By critically assessing information, individuals can make informed decisions that are well-reasoned and logical. Critical thinking skills can help in decision-making by enabling an individual to evaluate information objectively and make well-informed choices. The process of critical thinking includes several key elements such as identification of the problem, gathering and analyzing relevant information, evaluating evidence, and considering multiple perspectives. These elements are essential for making sound decisions.

  • Recognizing bias

Critical thinking helps individuals identify and recognize bias in information, which is important in avoiding manipulation and misinformation. Critical thinking skills help to evaluate the quality and relevance of the evidence used to support an argument. This includes considering the credibility of the sources, the logic of the reasoning, and the strength of the evidence. Critical thinking skills allow an individual to recognize logical fallacies, which are errors in reasoning that can lead to inaccurate conclusions. This eventually helps to recognize bias in arguments. Critical thinkers can identify bias by considering multiple perspectives, considering alternative explanations and evidence, and being aware of their own biases.

  • Creativity

Critical thinking encourages creative thinking and problem-solving, which can lead to new and innovative ideas. It does so by providing a structured process for generating and evaluating new ideas. The process of critical thinking includes several key elements such as identification of the problem, gathering and analyzing relevant information, evaluating evidence, and considering multiple perspectives. These elements can also be applied to the creative process, allowing an individual to generate new ideas and evaluate their feasibility.


How to Improve your Critical Thinking Skills

  • Reading

Reading can improve critical thinking skills by exposing the reader to a variety of perspectives and information. As the reader encounters new ideas and concepts, they are forced to analyze and evaluate them, which helps to develop their critical thinking abilities. Reading also helps to improve vocabulary and language skills, which can make it easier to express and articulate one’s thoughts and ideas. Reading helps to improve focus and concentration, which can make it easier to analyze and understand complex information. Overall, reading is a great way to exercise and develop critical thinking skills.

  • Practice active listening

Practice active listening requires paying close attention to what others are saying, rather than just waiting for your turn to speak. It also means trying to understand the underlying reasoning and assumptions behind what is being said. Active listening can improve critical thinking skills by helping the listener to fully understand and engage with the information they are receiving. This involves paying close attention to what is being said, asking questions to clarify understanding, and providing verbal and nonverbal cues to show that you are engaged and actively listening. By actively engaging with the information being presented, the listener is better able to analyze and evaluate it, which helps to develop critical thinking skills.

  • Analyze arguments

Analyzing arguments can improve critical thinking skills by teaching individuals to evaluate the reasoning and evidence behind different claims and statements.  When presented with an argument, try to identify the main conclusion, the supporting evidence, and any logical fallacies that may be present. Also, when analyzing an argument, individuals must carefully examine the premises, evidence, and logical connections presented, as well as consider any counterarguments or alternative explanations. This process helps to improve critical thinking skills by teaching individuals to assess the credibility and validity of different arguments, identify logical fallacies and biases, and construct their well-supported arguments.

  • Continual learning

Continual learning can help to improve critical thinking skills by exposing individuals to new information and perspectives, which challenges them to think critically and creatively. When individuals are continually learning, they are constantly exposed to new ideas and concepts, which forces them to analyze and evaluate this information. This helps to improve critical thinking skills by developing the ability to identify and evaluate evidence, assess the credibility of sources, and think creatively about how to solve problems.

  • Practice debate and discussion

Debates and discussions are effective activities that improve critical thinking skills. Engaging in debates and discussions with people who have different perspectives and ideas can help to improve critical thinking skills by providing a forum for individuals to express and defend their views. In a debate or discussion, individuals must be able to clearly articulate their ideas and support them with evidence and logical reasoning. They must also be able to listen to and evaluate the ideas of others, critically assess the evidence and reasoning presented, and construct well-reasoned counterarguments. This process helps to improve critical thinking skills by teaching individuals to identify and evaluate evidence, assess the credibility of sources, and think creatively about how to solve problems.


Jobs that Require Critical Thinking Skills

  • Healthcare professionals

Healthcare professionals such as doctors, nurses, and other medical personnel need to be able to critically evaluate patient symptoms and medical history, make accurate diagnoses, and develop treatment plans.

  • Legal professionals

Legal professionals need to be able to analyze complex legal issues, evaluate evidence, and make sound decisions. They must be able to think critically to successfully represent their clients.

  • Engineers and Architects

Engineers and architects need to be able to analyze data, design and plan building, road, and other infrastructure projects, and make decisions that ensure safety and structural integrity.

  • Scientists and Researchers

Scientists and researchers need to be able to design and execute experiments, analyze data, and make logical conclusions based on their findings.

  • Educators

Educators and teachers need to be able to analyze student progress, design lesson plans, and make decisions that will best support student learning.

  • Detectives and investigators

Detectives and investigators need to be able to analyze evidence, make logical conclusions, and make decisions that will help them solve crimes and identify suspects.


How to Include Critical Thinking Skills on Your Resume

  • Use unique keywords

When applying for jobs that require critical thinking skills, be sure to use keywords related to the skill and the job descriptions. Some employers may even specifically state in the job description that they are looking for candidates with strong critical thinking skills. Therefore, you must include that keyword to stand a chance of landing the job.

  • Highlight your experiences

On your resume, ensure to highlight any projects or tasks that you accomplished in the previous job that required you to use strong critical thinking skills. You can mention how you solved a difficult problem at work, or discuss a time when you had to make a quick decision using logic and reasoning. Remember, employers are also looking for creative thinking, so share any experiences of successful results you got from thinking outside the box. When describing your work history, include top critical thinking skills that accurately describe you.

  • List relevant skills

Enlist all your skills, but make sure they are relevant to the job position you are applying for. Highlight the skills that demonstrate critical thinking, and include an example of a time when you demonstrated them at work. When listing your skills, focus on transferability. Critical thinking is a transferable skill. This means you can apply it to any job, across all industries and positions. Even if you don’t have direct experience in the role you’re applying for, you can still highlight critical thinking skills that are relevant to the position.

  • Describe your process(es)

It is advantageous to mention the tools or technology that you are proficient in and that you’ve used in your previous jobs to get your tasks done.

  • Use numbers and data

Whenever possible, use metrics to showcase your critical thinking skills. It’s always a good idea to show exactly how you solved problems using critical thinking skills, and this can be achieved by highlighting your accomplishments using metrics and statistics. The use of numbers and data also goes a long way in making your resume credulous and authentic.


Examples of How to Include Critical Thinking Skills on Your Resume

  • Summary section

Result-orientated and highly skilled project manager with 7 years of experience in the healthcare industry. Led massive projects and implemented complex infrastructures for biomedical companies with a market capitalization of $250 billion.


  • Demonstrated critical thinking skills by analyzing market trends and identifying new business opportunities, resulting in a 15% increase in sales.
  • Utilized critical thinking to evaluate and improve processes, resulting in a 20% increase in efficiency and a cost savings of $50,000.
  • Applied critical thinking to research and develop new product ideas, leading to the successful launch of 2 new products.
  • Exhibited strong critical thinking abilities in decision-making by evaluating potential risks and benefits and implementing solutions that achieved company goals.
  • Implemented critical thinking in problem-solving by analyzing complex data and identifying patterns, resulting in the development of new strategies that improved customer satisfaction by 25%.
  • Demonstrated critical thinking skills by designing and implementing new training programs that improved employee performance by 15%
  • Implemented critical thinking to improve customer service by analyzing customer feedback and implementing new procedures that resulted in a 10% increase in customer retention
  • Demonstrated critical thinking skills by conducting research and developing new marketing strategies, resulting in a 15% increase in revenue.
  • Exhibited strong critical thinking abilities in decision-making by evaluating potential risks and benefits and implementing solutions that achieved company goals.”

Skills section

  • Proven ability to critically evaluate and analyze information to develop effective solutions, resulting in a 20% increase in productivity.


How to Demonstrate Critical Thinking Skills in an Interview

  1. Be prepared to defend the information you have in your resume.
  2. Give examples of how you conducted research, consulted appropriate sources, and weighed available options.
  3. Come to the interview armed with examples of how you’ve handled making important decisions or solving complex problems.
  4. Tell them about a situation where you had to make a quick decision that turned out well.
  5. Demonstrate confidence in your appearance and responses to questions.
  6. Show the ability to identify possible problems and find logical solutions before they become actual problems.
  7. Your response should show the potential employer that you can act professionally at all times.


Examples of Interview Questions to Test Critical Thinking Skills

  • Describe how would you handle a situation where you noticed your supervisor made an error in a report or presentation.
  • How do you think challenges or issues through in an objective and critical way?
  • How would you solve a disagreement among team members on how to approach a project?
  • When solving a problem or completing a task, how do you determine when you need help from others?
  • What would you do if you had a deadline coming up, but you do not have all the components to deliver a project on time?
  • Give me an example of a time you had to solve a problem without having complete information or resources.
  • How do you provide structured reasoning and support for arguments when communicating with other people?

Resume Skills