Transcription Skills

Do you need transcription skills to function well in your job role? This article provides a guide on how you can develop the skills and include them on your resume.


What are Transcription Skills?

Transcription is the process of converting spoken language into written text. It is used in a variety of contexts, such as in the creation of legal documents, the subtitling of videos, and the creation of searchable transcripts for audio and video recordings.

There are two main types of transcription: manual and automated. Manual transcription involves a person listening to an audio or video recording and typing out the spoken words, while automated transcription uses speech recognition technology to convert the spoken words into text.

Manual transcription is often used in situations where the audio quality is poor, there are multiple speakers, or the speaker is using specialized terminology. The transcriber will listen to the recording and type out what is said, making sure to include speaker identification and any special formatting, such as indicating when a speaker is interrupted. Additionally, manual transcriptions require human judgment to correct errors made by transcription software, making the final output much more reliable than an automated one.

Automated transcription, on the other hand, is typically used when the audio quality is good and there is only one speaker. This type of transcription is faster and less expensive than manual transcription, but it can be less accurate. Automated transcriptions tend to work best when the speaker is speaking clearly and at a steady pace, and when there is minimal background noise.

While automated transcription has improved over the years, it still cannot replace human transcriptionists in many cases, as it tends to struggle with understanding accents or dialects, or with recognizing words spoken by multiple speakers.

Transcription also plays a vital role in other fields such as medicine, where doctors and researchers need to transcribe patients’ medical history, doctor’s notes, and other medical information. Similarly, in the field of journalism, it is used to transcribe interviews and news conferences.

In summary, transcription is the process of converting spoken language into written text, which can be done either manually or using automated speech recognition technology. While automated transcription has become more advanced in recent years, it still has limitations and may not be as accurate as manual transcription. It is used in a wide range of industries, including legal, media, and healthcare.


Importance Of Transcription Skills

These skills are important in a variety of fields and industries, including journalism, law, healthcare, and business. Here are eight reasons why transcription skills are important:

  • Legal settings

In legal settings, transcription skills are used to transcribe court proceedings, depositions, and other legal proceedings. Accurate and reliable transcription is critical in legal settings because it is often used as evidence in court.

  • Media and Journalism

Transcription skills are also important in media and journalism. Transcription is used to create written transcripts of interviews, speeches, and other audio content that can be used for news articles, documentaries, and other media productions.

  • Healthcare

In healthcare, transcription skills are used to transcribe medical reports, such as patient charts and medical histories. Accurate and timely transcription of medical reports is important for the effective diagnosis and treatment of patients.

  • Business

In the business world, transcription skills are used to transcribe meetings, conference calls, and other business-related audio content. These transcripts can be used for record-keeping, meeting minutes, and other business purposes.

  • Education

In the field of education, transcription skills are used to create written transcripts of lectures, seminars, and other educational audio content. These transcripts can be used for study materials, and to provide resources for students with disabilities or who are learning English as a second language

  • Market research

Transcription skills also play a critical role in the field of market research. Transcription is often used to transcribe focus groups, interviews, and other research-related audio content. This can help to provide valuable insights into consumer behavior and preferences.

  • Language Learning

Transcription can be used in language learning to help students learn a new language by transcribing spoken or written texts in the target language.


How to Improve Transcription Skills

There are several ways to improve your transcription skills. Here are a few of the most effective methods:

  • Practice

The more you transcribe, the better you will become at it. Try transcribing different types of audio, such as interviews, speeches, podcasts, and music. This will help you develop the ability to transcribe a wide range of accents, speaking styles, and sound environments.

  • Use transcription software

There are many software programs available that can help you transcribe audio more quickly and accurately. These programs include features such as automatic time-stamping, which can help you keep track of where you are in the audio, and automatic spell-checking, which can help you catch mistakes before they become ingrained in your transcription.

  • Listen actively

Listening actively means paying close attention to the audio as you transcribe it. This means listening for keywords and phrases, as well as paying attention to the speaker’s tone of voice, pauses, and other cues. By listening actively, you will be better able to capture the meaning and intent of the speaker.

  • Build your vocabulary

The more words you know, the easier it will be for you to transcribe audio. By expanding your vocabulary, you will be able to understand and transcribe more complex words and phrases. There are many ways to build your vocabulary, such as reading books, watching educational programs, and using vocabulary-building apps.

  • Take a course

Transcription is a skill that can be taught, and taking a course can help you improve your skills more quickly. There are many online courses available that cover a wide range of topics, such as medical transcription, legal transcription, and general transcription. These courses will provide you with the knowledge and skills you need to transcribe more effectively.

  • Use a foot pedal

Many transcribers use a foot pedal to control the playback of the audio they are transcribing. This allows them to keep their hands free to type, and it also allows them to easily pause, rewind, and fast-forward the audio as needed. Foot pedals can also be programmed to perform other functions, such as starting and stopping the audio and adjusting the volume.

  • Pay attention to formatting and grammar

Transcribing audio accurately is important, but it’s also important to format the text in a clear and readable manner. This includes paying attention to capitalization, punctuation, and the overall layout of the text.

  • Take breaks

Transcribing audio can be mentally taxing, so it’s important to take breaks every now and then. During breaks, it can be helpful to stretch, take a walk, or do something else to clear your mind.


Jobs That Require Transcription Skills

Transcription skills are in high demand in a variety of industries and are particularly useful for jobs that involve a lot of oral communication. Here are several examples of jobs that require transcription skills:

  • Medical Transcriptionist

Medical transcriptionists transcribe medical reports, such as patient histories, physical examination reports, and diagnostic test results, dictated by physicians and other healthcare professionals. They need to have a strong understanding of medical terminology and the ability to accurately transcribe spoken language.

  • Legal Transcriptionist

Legal transcriptionists transcribe legal proceedings such as court hearings, depositions, and witness statements. They need to be familiar with legal terminology and procedures and be able to transcribe spoken language quickly and accurately.

  • Captioner

Captioners transcribe live television, internet, and streaming content, as well as pre-recorded shows and movies. They have to transcribe quickly and accurately to match the spoken word with the moving images of the content they are captioning.

  • Captioning / closed caption writer

Closed caption writers prepare closed captions for video and audio files. They often work with hearing-impaired communities. They are in charge of adding captions to the bottom of the screen with the dialogue that is being spoken in the video.

  • Voice Over Artist

Voice-over artist is the person who is responsible for providing the voice for commercials, documentaries, and other types of audio and visual content. They often have to transcribe the script they are going to voice over, then they will record the voiceover in a professional studio.

  • Language Analyst

Language analysts use transcription skills to transcribe speech or audio recordings in multiple languages. They may be responsible for transcribing spoken language in government or legal contexts, or in other fields such as media, where multiple languages are used.

  • Journalist/Reporter

Journalists, reporters, or correspondents are responsible for gathering, writing and transmitting news and feature stories for various types of media. They often interview people, transcribe the interviews, then use the transcripts as the source material for their stories.

  • Researcher

Researchers in various fields (such as sociology, psychology, or linguistics) often use transcription skills to transcribe interviews or focus groups. The transcripts can be used to analyze language usage, speech patterns, and social dynamics.


How to Include Transcription Skills In Your Resume

  • Include a separate section on your resume specifically dedicated to transcription skills

This section should list any relevant transcription experience you have, including the types of transcription you are proficient in (such as legal, medical, or general transcription) and any software or tools you are proficient in using.

  • Highlight your transcription skills in your job experience section

If you have worked as a transcriber in the past, make sure to highlight this experience in your job experience section. Include details such as the types of transcription you did, the software you used, and any specific tasks you were responsible for.

  • Mention any relevant certifications or training you have in transcription

If you have completed a certification program or training in transcription, be sure to include this information on your resume. This can help demonstrate your level of expertise and proficiency in the field.

  • Use specific keywords related to transcription in your resume

Employers often use automated systems to scan resumes for relevant keywords, so including specific terms related to transcription can help increase the chances of your resume getting noticed.

  • Include examples of your transcription work in your portfolio

If you have any examples of transcription work that you have done, consider including them in your portfolio. This can help to provide a concrete example of your skills and abilities in the field.


Examples of How to Include Transcription Skills In Your Resume

Professional Summary:

  • Accomplished transcriptionist with 5 years of experience transcribing audio and video files for legal, medical, and media industries.
  • Proficient in using transcription software such as Express Scribe and InqScribe.
  • Strong attention to detail and ability to transcribe audio at high speeds with minimal errors.

Work Experience:

Transcriptionist, XYZ Company (2017-2022)

  • Transcribed legal proceedings, medical dictations, and interviews for media production
  • Utilized transcription software including Express Scribe and InqScribe
  • Maintained a high level of accuracy, with an average of 99.5% in all transcripts


Certificate in Transcription Services, ABC Institute (2016)

  • Coursework included training on industry-standard transcription software and techniques for accurate transcription
  • Specialization in legal and medical transcription”


How to Demonstrate Transcription Skills In An Interview

Below are a few ways to demonstrate your transcription skills during an interview:

  • Provide examples of transcription work

One of the best ways to demonstrate your transcription skills is to provide examples of work you have done in the past. This could be a transcript you created for a podcast, a video transcript, a legal transcript or a medical transcript, etc. This will give the interviewer a sense of your skills and experience.

  • Discuss your typing speed and accuracy

Transcription requires a high level of typing speed and accuracy, so be prepared to discuss your abilities in these areas. You can mention your typing speed in words per minute and how accurate you are in transcribing speech or audio to text.

  • Explain your familiarity with transcription software

Many transcriptionists use specialized software to transcribe speech and audio recordings. Explain your experience with different software, such as Express Scribe, Adobe Audition, and, and how you can use that software to help transcribe speech or audio more efficiently and accurately

  • Mention any relevant certifications

If you have any relevant certifications in transcription, such as a medical transcription certification, be sure to mention them during the interview. This will demonstrate your commitment to the field and your knowledge of the industry.

  • Discuss any relevant experience you have

If you have any relevant experience, such as working in a legal or medical setting, be sure to mention it during the interview. This will demonstrate how you can apply your transcription skills in a professional setting.


Interview Questions to Test Transcription Skills

  • Can you provide an example of a transcription you’ve done in the past and explain the process you used to complete it?
  • How do you handle difficult speakers, such as those with strong accents or speech impediments?
  • Describe a time when you had to transcribe a recording that was of poor quality. How did you approach the task and what techniques did you use to overcome the challenges?


Resume Skills