What is a Job Description?

A job description is a useful, plain-language tool that explains the tasks, duties, functions, and responsibilities of a position. It details who performs a specific type of work, how that work is to be completed, and the frequency and purpose of the work as it relates to the organization’s mission and goals. A job description gives an employee a clear and concise resource to be used as a guide for job performance. Likewise, a supervisor can use a job description as a measuring tool to ensure that the employee is meeting job expectations.

Here, you will find the job descriptions, qualifications, skills, and salary scale of various job positions. These will be useful for Human Resources personnel who may want to craft job descriptions for roles they don’t know much about. It is also useful for employers and recruiters who may want to advertise job vacancies and need to state the job requirements, roles and responsibilities.


If you are a job seeker and you want to write a job description on your resume, you will find job descriptions that are suitable for you. While all may not apply specifically to your skills or job functions, you can easily adapt the job descriptions to fit your functions. If you can’t find your job role here, you can check back as we shall be updating the page on a regular basis.


Job Description Examples

Below are examples of job descriptions arranged alphabetically according to various industries


Administration and Management


Advertising, Arts, Media, and Entertainment


Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources


Architecture, Building, and Construction


Business and Finance


Community, Sports, and Social Science


Consulting and Strategy


Education and Training


Fashion and Beauty


Government and Public Administration


Health and Safety


Hospitality and Leisure


Information Technology


Legal Services


Manufacturing and Production


Retail and Customer Services


Sales, Marketing, and Communications


Science, Technology, and Engineering


Trade and Services


Transportation Distribution and Logistics