Java Architect Job Description

Java Architect Job Description, Skills, and Salary Scale

Get to know about the duties, responsibilities, qualifications, and skills requirements of a Java architect. Feel free to use our Java architect job description template to produce your own. We also provide you with information about the salary you can earn as a Java architect.


Who is a Java Architect?

Java can simply be defined as a programming language that is designed to develop desktop and mobile applications. It is a widely-used object-oriented programming language and software platform that runs billions of devices.

A java architect is a software development professional who upgrades and integrates software architecture that supports Java-based applications. Java architects together with the software design team and company managers. A java architect in layman’s terms is someone who works for organizations to develop software architecture for applications to help them resolve business problems. If the role of a Java architect is to help the company achieve its long-term goals. You will do this by enhancing, defining, and integrating a complete architecture that will support applications using java. A good java architect must have an in-depth knowledge of software architecture, experience with network design, and high-level java programming skills. A proficient java architecture is highly predictive to see the company design scalable and to handle the company’s present and future software application needs. The work environment of a java architect is an office setting and they can work full-time or part-time.


Java Architect Job Description

Below are the Java architect job description examples you can use to develop your resume or write a Java architect job description for your employee. Employers can also use it to sieve out job seekers when choosing candidates for interviews.

The duties and responsibilities of a Java architect include the following:

  • Meet with technology managers and the design team to discuss the goals and needs of the company
  • Develop models and perform validation tests to ensure the architecture is flexible and capable of supporting web application
  • Assess new technologies for potential application to operational requirements and company mission
  • Identify necessary infrastructure for computer systems to be designed and integrated by coming up with requirements for information, determine the tools, technology, and architecture required for the platform, evaluate the needs of user interface and business operations, and oversee physical database development.
  • Recommend changes to project design ideas to improve efficiency
  • Provide technical guidance and support development systems
  • Ensure compliance with established architecture, design patterns, policies, standards, and best practices
  • Head system architecture, design, cross-business area project, and development teams
  • Provide implementation guidelines for system safety to customers or installation teams
  • Select the appropriate design solutions and ensure compatibility of system components working with software engineers
  • Identify system data, hardware, and software components required to meet user needs to accommodate the company’s architectural goals
  • Troubleshoot design flaws and system bottlenecks
  • Complete system reports
  • Craft and plans information for reviews to solve problems and improve systems and trends to meet the goals of e-commerce architecture
  • Collaborate with other departments to address the needs and goals of the organization
  • Keep java knowledge up to date by attending conferences, and professional events, and reading industry news.



  • Bachelor’s Degree in software engineering, computer science, or information communication technology
  • Past work experience as a software or java architect
  • Advanced knowledge of software architecture
  • Proficiency with Java, Java Beans,  and JavaScript
  • Good communication and verbal skills
  • Ability to resolve complex software system issues
  • Experience with the design and implementation of software networks
  • Familiarity with software design and web programming
  • High-level project management skills
  • Ability to present technical information to fellow technical professionals as well as non-technical peers


Essential Skills

A java architect should have the following skills and competencies to discharge his duties and responsibilities effectively and they are:

  • Creativity: this is a core skill that a java architect must develop. This is important because java architects usually develop different kinds of software applications and they need creativity to achieve this. A java architect must brainstorm on the needs of society and the kind of software that will meet this demand. Java architecture for instance can develop software that students can use to study for their exams and come out with flying colors.
  • Paying attention to detail: A Java architect must be someone that is focused to avoid errors in the process of discharging his duties. A java designs and implements software networks if there is an error in the process; it can resolve a technical error. A java architect must give rapt attention when performing his duties to be successful.
  • Teamwork: A java architect works with other departments, technology managers, and the design team. A java architect must be someone that can adapt to working with a team of experts to analyze the goals of the company and how to meet up with these goals. Technical challenges may occur and the java architect and the design team may need to troubleshoot design flaws. There is a great need for the java architect to know how to collaborate with the team to impart new skills to each other.
  • Technical Skills; technical skills are skills that can give you the ability to perform specific tasks, especially with the As a java architect, technical skills are very important to enable you to create complex computer programs.
  • Project management skills: as an architect, you might be in charge of managing a team of software developers. This can include assigning tasks, monitoring projects, and ensuring that a project meets the client’s ex You may also be saddled with the responsibility to oversee a team of software testers, oversee the project budget, and ensure that the project meets the client’s demand.
  • Problem-solving skills: when discharging your duties as a java architect, there may be challenges that may spring solutions. Having strong problem-solving skills can help you analyze the best strategy to overcome that issue or the best solution to the problem. This can help you meet up with the deadlines of the project and produce the best result.
  • Communication Skills: as a Java architect, you are not a lone ranger because you will not be working alone sometimes. It is very crucial to build communication with team members, designers, clients, and stakeholders. Effective communication can help you convey your information and ensure that everyone understands your message. Your communication skills can help you to retain clients so that they will keep patronizing you.
  • Analytical Skills
  • Leadership Skills
  • Time-management
  • Object-oriented programming
  • Relational databases
  • Version control systems
  • Web frameworks
  • Computer networking
  • Integrated development environments


How to Become a Java Architect

  • Enroll for a Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science, Information Communication Technology,or a related field

An individual considering becoming a java architect must, first of all, acquire a bachelor’s degree in computer science or a related field which is the minimum qualification for a java architect. Some employers prefer candidates with master’s degrees because candidates with master’s degrees have a higher echelon of knowledge. Being a java architect is beyond just enrolling for a bachelor’s degree, you will need to advance in java programming. You can upgrade your java skills by;

  • Enrolling in java classes at your educational institution
  • Practicing coding your java projects and creating a portfolio
  • Study java with your peers and engage in group discussion to enhance your comprehension of the language
  • Attending a java boot camp
  • Reading books, watching YouTube videos, and listening to podcasts about java

You can also consider acquiring a certification both offline and online to improve your java skills and qualification.

  • Enroll in Job Training

Gaining relevant work experience is highly paramount for an aspiring java architect. Most employers will not want to hire a novice but someone who has the requisite experience specially experienced in the aspect of software application. You can acquire these experiences through paid or voluntary internships.

Java architects can also acquire skills and knowledge by attending conferences and seminars. These events provide java architects with current information on programming language, framework, and tools. They also update java architects about the latest trend in the industry.

  • Build Your java portfolio

Another crucial step to take is to develop your java portfolio. Your portfolio can be your java past projects that you created maybe while in school or during your internship. You can create a website to display your portfolio or use the social media platform. The goal is to develop your java portfolio to show potential employers the evidence of your work that can make you the best candidate for the job.

  • Draft your java architect resume

Once you have acquired all the necessary qualifications, you can draft your java resume. Creating a resume is very important to show potential employers that you are the right candidate for the job. You can arrange your resume as thus:

  • Contact Information: in this section, you will write your name, phone number, email address, and contact address. This is essential so that the job recruiter can be able to contact you very easily.
  • Education: Java architects often have a required educational qualification which is a bachelor’s degree. So it is very paramount to include your educational qualification, name of institution, course of study, and a class of degree with the dates you acquired them.
  • Professional Experience: it is very crucial to include your professional experience in your resume because employers are very focused on such. You can include the previous places you work as a Java architect and also your achievement in such places. You can also include the name of your past employer, location, dates you work there, and your job description.
  • Skills: at this juncture, you will show your employer the skills you possess as a java architect to show your potential employer that you have all the necessary skills to be a successful Java architect
  • Apply for java Architect Jobs

After drafting an excellent resume, the next step to take is to start applying for java architect jobs. You can find java architect vacancies online or through the social media accounts of employers that you are interested in. you can also use the contacts you have such as friends and family to help you find java architect job opportunities.

  • Prepare for java architect Interviews

Another crucial step to becoming a java architect is to prepare for interviews. Recruiters in coding interviews are very technical and detail-oriented when asking their questions. It is very paramount for you to take your time to prepare by refreshing your knowledge of coding and software applications development. You can go online to study some java interview questions to help you get familiar with them ahead of your interview. Be sure to be prepared to answer all the questions that will be asked and study behavioral interview questions.

  • Complete Job Interviews

Once it is time to complete java architect interviews, you can enhance your interview performance by practicing active listening and answering questions calmly and confidently. Be very confident during the interview and answer highlight specific skills or experiences you want the interviewer to know about, and remember to also ask your questions to show the interviewer you are following. This can help you shine out during the interview to increase your chances of getting the job.

  • Update Yourself with the Trend in your Career as a java architect

One of the trends in the field of Java Architecture is the need for more technical talent. This need is a result of the complexities of software products. As the business moves to using more complex software, it will need to recruit more professionals who have the skills to comprehend and develop it. Java architects that build their technical skills will become part of any team that will develop software. Java architects should also learn new technologies quickly to be able to work in a faced-paced environment.

In addition, they need to protect their business from hackers and cyber-criminals by becoming security conscious. This is very crucial for companies with sensitive data, such as banks and healthcare providers.


Where Can a Java Architect Work? 

  • Information Communication technology firms
  • Banks
  • Healthcare
  • Academic Institution
  • Governmental organizations
  • Remote jobs


Java Architect Salary

The salary of Java architects depends on the location and the company size. In the United States of America, a Java architect earns a monthly salary of $132,982 while an hourly salary of $63.93. The total annual salary of a java architect is $188,000.

In Nigeria, a java architect earns 310,000NGN per month. Salaries from 146,000NGN to 490,000NGN per month.


Science, Technology, and Engineering

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