How to Overcome Interview Anxiety

How to Overcome Interview Anxiety

For people looking for work, interview anxiety might be a deterrent. Job interviews can be much more difficult for persons who suffer from social anxiety disorder (SAD). Social anxiety is triggered by meeting strangers in positions of power, talking about yourself, and being evaluated and critiqued on your looks, manner, and ability to sell yourself.


What is interview anxiety?

Anxiety or panic that you may have as a result of an upcoming interview is known as interview anxiety. Physical symptoms, such as an elevated heart rate, or mental symptoms, such as racing thoughts, are also possible. Interview anxiety can exist on its own or be linked to other anxiety disorders such as generalized anxiety or social anxiety disorder.

If you have SAD, you should seek professional help, such as medication or cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT). CBT is a psychotherapeutic treatment for anxiety disorders and many other disorders.

There are, however, some tactics you can employ to help you relax before an interview. Whether you have a diagnosed case of social anxiety or are simply nervous about a job interview, the tips below can help you cope.


What Does Job Interview Anxiety Look Like?

Interview anxiety can show up in a variety of ways, ranging from shortness of breath and blushing to a strong desire to use the restroom at an inconvenient time.

Such responses are frequently elicited by the need to impress potential employers, but mastering nervous drives and using them to your benefit is not always simple.

While a job interview is not a threatening setting, it is one in which we feel the need to be alert and provide the “correct” responses. When we start to feel apprehensive or anxious, our bodies go through a series of changes, almost all of which are unconscious.

– Your blood pressure rises and your breathing quickens as a result of the release of chemicals like adrenaline, preparing you for muscular exertion, i.e. fight or flight.

-For most people, that’s all there is to it, and they’re energized and ready to go.

-Others may feel more intensely, shakiness may occur, and muscles may become stiff.

-Sweaty palms and cold, clammy feet are possible.

-All of these reactions are normal and natural, so keep that in mind. Because realizing you are anxious and getting more anxious because of that isn’t going to help at all.

Practice and preparation are required to walk the tightrope of interview anxieties, and there are several actions you can take to get ahead of the pack.


How can you overcome interview anxiety?

  1. Take Care of Yourself

Avoid coffee, get plenty of rest, and exercise on a regular basis. When confronted with potentially stressful conditions, it is critical to maintaining excellent health.

  1. Stress-Reduction

Deal with pressures that aren’t connected to your interview performance, such as wearing unflattering clothing, getting lost, or being late. Choose a comfortable and flattering attire ahead of time. Give yourself plenty of time to discover the interview place or make a practice run a day or two ahead of time if you’re not familiar with it. You can also de-stress by doing the following:

  • Make a phone call to a friend: Before your interview, phone a friend for some distraction and support.
  • Make a list of your ideas: Writing down your ideas can assist you in processing your emotions and may even be beneficial to your health. During the week preceding up to your interview, consider maintaining a journal.
  • Play some music: Music can help your body cope with stress. Consider listening to energizing music while getting ready and on your way to the interview to help you feel prepared for success.
  • Laugh: Anxiety can be alleviated by laughing. Before your interview, listen to a hilarious podcast or watch your favorite comedian relieve some of the pressure.
  1. Investigate

Being well-prepared can help to calm you down. Prepare responses to common interview questions by conducting research on your prospective job before the interview. Don’t walk into an interview blindly. Find out things that are available for you to know, and make inquiries. Every piece of preparation you can put in will help you feel more at ease in the interview and more confident and capable.

  1. Reverse thinking: consider the interview from the perspective of the interviewer.

You’ll very certainly need to undertake some brainstorming based on your research and introspection, during which you should ask yourself the following questions:

  • What do companies want to see in a candidate?
  • What criteria will they use to evaluate you?
  • What are the most likely questions they’ll ask to assist them in judging these things?
  • How can you persuade them that you are the best candidate for the position and the company?
  • What proof do you have to support your claim?

This leads to the point where you should anticipate probable queries and prepare responses ahead of time. emphasizes the common topics that you may be asked in most interviews.

  1. Practise

Practice with a mentor or a knowledgeable acquaintance. They should act as if they are conducting the interview. After you’ve completed, ask for their thoughts on what you did well, what you could have done better, and if there was anything you should change or leave out. Candidates who have intended to move on and apply for new jobs are frequently provided “mock interviews” in large institutions. If this is the case at your institution, then this is something you should take advantage of. If your mentor or buddy is unavailable, and your school does not provide mock interviews, you can practice in front of a mirror or, better yet, record yourself! You can record and send it to your mentor or experienced friend for feedback.

  1. Prepare yourself.

In an interview, a well-prepared interviewee has an immediate edge.

Furthermore, being well-prepared and proactive will help you feel less anxious during the interview. Bring everything you believe you’ll need, including:

  • Resume
  • Letter of introduction
  • Business cards are used to promote a – company.
  • References
  • Licenses\sCertifications
  • Notepad with a pen.
  1. Make a good first impression.

The first impression is more important than you might think, and the visual expression is the most noticeable. As a result, selecting the appropriate attire is essential. Everything should be clean and presentable, from head to toe. Concentrate on personal hygiene; shower soon before the interview, shave cleanly, and put on a beautiful outfit. Because different organizations have varying dress requirements, it’s a good idea to call the central switchboard ahead of time if you’re unsure. Traditionally, decent business attire would be appropriate, but if in doubt, overdress rather than underdress. A professional look that you are comfortable with is frequently an excellent choice. Avoid stimulants like caffeine, the night before the interview. Prepare a day before the interview, and get proper rest, so that you can be refreshed in the morning. Doing a crash program all night will only make you tired and anxious the next day.

  1. Take your time to answer questions

When an interviewer asks a question, a typical anxiety-driven mistake people make is to start talking right away; they’ll start answering before they even know how they want to go. If you find yourself in a scenario where you can’t immediately answer a question, it’s fine to pause for a few seconds before responding — it’s better than allowing your nerves to speak for you. In fact, taking some time to collect your thoughts gives a message that you are articulate and reaching for accuracy.

  1.  Don’t Give In to Pressure

You may be interrogated on occasion by someone who grills you to see how you handle stress. It’s easy to fall into negative automatic thinking like a person with SAD, thinking things like “This Job is not meant for me” or “They think l can’t handle this job”

If you find yourself in this circumstance, keep in mind what the interviewer is attempting to do, and don’t be offended. Stop with the negativity. Know that you were treated the same manner as the other candidates and that it has nothing to do with you or your ability.

  1. Interview the Interviewer

You can use interviews to assess a possible employer. You, like they, are deciding whether or not you want to work for them. Put yourself in this mentality and notice how your focus shifts. Inquire about how the organization might fit with your career goals and ambitions by asking questions that demonstrate your interest.

  1. Accept the result

Hiring decisions are influenced by a variety of factors. Whatever conclusion is reached, be proud of yourself for overcoming your fears and completing the interview. Make a mental note of what you can improve on in the future, but don’t overthink your performance. Every interview is crucial because it gives you the chance to hone your skills.

At the end of the day, we’re all human (including those who interviewed you). We all make mistakes, become nervous from time to time, and experience uncomfortable feelings. It doesn’t make us any less useful or incapable of achieving any of our objectives.

Interview Tips

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