How To Stay Active Working From Home

Working from home can be extremely difficult and challenging. The advent of the digital transformation era has encouraged many companies to adopt the work from home model. The outbreak of coronavirus also played a role in popularizing the concept of working from home. To effectively work from home, an employee must possess a certain level

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How To Increase Your Productivity In The Workplace

The Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary 8th edition defines productivity as the rate at which a worker, a company, or a country produces goods, and the amount produced, compared with how much time, work, and money is needed to produce them. In a simpler term, productivity is about achieving goals. Employer/employee productivity is one of the

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Network Mistakes You Should Avoid

Networking is valuable. Now that is an understatement. The benefits of building a strong professional network can never be overstated. Meeting new people in a business or social context works wonders for your career. It opens doors of opportunities for you as a job seeker or an employee looking to build a personal brand. Making

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Should You Stay Or Quit Your Job?

Do you have thoughts of quitting or leaving your job, but you aren’t convinced you are making the decision for the right reasons? Are you thinking of maintaining, remaining or staying in your job, but not sure you’re making the right decision? Before deciding to stay or quit your job, you should be certain and

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How to Handle Politics at Workplace

Workplace or office politics are actions and behavior involving competition for status or power in a workplace. These actions influence a lot of decisions in a company or organization. Contrary to popular opinion though, workplace politics is not all negative. It does not only involve cutthroat, unethical schemes, workmates fighting each other for a position,

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Signs It’s Time to Find A New Job

How do you feel about your job right now? If there is no feeling of excitement or at least, contentment when you think about work, they might be signs that it’s time to find a new job. Being disillusioned with your job doesn’t always mean the job has a problem. Rather, it could mean that

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