How to Build a Personal Brand That Sets You Apart

This is the 21st century and branding has come to stay. Business owners and people looking to sell their skills are promoting their brands and giving their goods and services symbolic identities.  Not just reputable fashion houses but everything from small businesses run from homes to start-ups and even your professional image as a job seeker

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Strategies for Getting Internship Opportunities

Today’s graduates face the toughest job market in decades and students leaving university over the subsequent few years are going to likely face increasing competition with a shrinking number of graduate opportunities. To market your skills to recruiters, it’s important that you simply start ruminating on ways to differentiate yourself immediately. One method of differentiating yourself is via having work experience and for

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Questions to Ask Before Accepting Job Offer

Getting a job offer is a good news. Congratulations! You have probably passed through rigorous recruitment exercises and have had a successful interview. So it is a big thing to finally receive that email, phone call, or one-on-one announcement offering you a position. But before you sign contracts and seal deals with handshakes, there are

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What To Do If You Hate Your Job

Job dissatisfaction has become a common phenomenon among employees in the 21st century, we now hear expressions such as “I hate being in that office” and “this job doesn’t fulfill me anymore” quite often among workers. The ‘I hate my job’ situation occurs when job dissatisfaction gets extreme to the point of outright resentment towards

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How to Handle Harassment in the Workplace

If you are reading this, you are most likely getting harassed at work. It is not a question. Harassment at work is not talked about as much as it should. According to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), the fear of retaliation keeps employees from reporting workplace harassment. Another reason is that the victim may

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How to Overcome The Fear of Layoff

You may not see a layoff coming but if you notice warning signs at your organization, don’t wait until you’re handed a goodbye letter to start thinking about your next career move. While some people can thrive at work under extreme pressure, it hinders others’ job performance at a time they actually need to excel because chronic stress

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How To Be A Good Team Leader

Directing a group of people with the aim of achieving a common goal is no small feat. For many companies or organizations, creating teams to undertake tasks is an established work style. This could be the case where you work. If so, being appointed team leader is a great responsibility. But how do you ensure

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Things to Consider Before Changing Jobs

There is always a unique time in anyone’s life when you just want to change your job and go for something better or peaceful. A job change is one of the most critical decisions that can positively or negatively affect one’s life. It’s a decision that you do not need to rush; you have to

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How To Decide Between Two Job Offers

Every job applicant hopes to be successful and called or emailed back at the end of the interviewing process. However, some are faced with the welcomed problem of getting more than one job offer. This leaves them with the critical decision of deciding or choosing which job offer to accept. More often than not, such

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The Importance Of Writing A Cover Letter

Oxford defines a cover letter as a letter sent with and explaining the contents of, another document or parcel of goods. When sending in job applications, attaching a cover letter is an added bonus. Why? While your CV or resume provides a list of information that serves as proof that you reached the basic requirements

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