Debt Management: Do-it-yourself approach

Debt management agencies are on the increase all over America. This is a reflection of the fact that millions of people are finding it difficult managing or paying their debts. If there is no demands for debt management services, you won’t see these agencies springing up all around. What do the debt management agencies do?

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How Unpaid Medical Bills Affect Credit Score

Can unpaid medical bills affect credit score? Unpaid medical bills affect credit score if reported to the credit bureaus. But unlike loans that your lender can easily report any unpaid amount that is due to the credit bureaus, your health provider does not have that direct relationship with the credit rating agencies. Medical bills can

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Who can access your credit report?

Can anyone access your credit report? That is, is your credit report accessible to the general public? Or is it just accessible to you alone? In this article, those are the questions that we will try to trash out. You will agree with me that your credit report is very vital and sensitive as it

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