How to Start a Bagel Shop

Who doesn’t like bagels? The crusty sides and the dense texture of the inside can be the stuff of dreams. Owning a bagel shop is one of the most lucrative and satisfying businesses anyone who loves food could think of. There are many benefits to starting a bagel shop and if you need more information on the steps you need to take to get your bagel business started, you will get them in this article.

Bagels go through processes that define them; the mixing of the vital ingredients (yeast, water, salt and flour), the boiling of the dough to get the perfect crust, the baking afterwards and down to the topping for an all-round tasty experience. Bagels sell from between $1.25 and $4.50, all that depends on the location and the type of bagel.

What makes a great bagel shop owner?

  • Great cook

Some bagels are so good, you almost think they were not made by humans but let’s not forget that bagel is food and just like any other food, it takes someone with great kitchen skills to make it. In food business, especially when there is so much competition, the quality matters the most. People would travel long distances just to get food at a particular restaurant- this has little or nothing to do with the customer service (which is really important, by the way), it is the taste. You must either be a great cook or employ great cooks to work for you. As a starter, you will have options to pick from and cuts to make depending on what you can afford but never settle when it comes to the taste of your bagels. Remember, taste is king!

  • Restaurant experience

Every business owner must know a lot about the business and the same goes for owning a bagel shop. The first knowledge you must acquire before opening your bagel shop is making food for people, especially bagels. The reasons are clear as day and they keep staring at you in the face every day once you open your shop and you will be thankful for it. The process of making bagels, what ingredients to use, how less is enough and how much is too much must be your bread and butter.

Having worked in a restaurant will also help you cope with life as a food business owner because you would have already gotten used to how to attend to customers, what to do to avoid getting a fine, how to meet requirements for inspections, how to cater to the needs and cravings of impatient people and other things to expect from the business in the future.

Read Also: How to start a restaurant business

  • Open to trying new flavors

Great food is art and it takes a genius to create it. Apart from the taste of your bagel, the variety of flavors will also go a long way in ensuring that your customers get a good experience. Humans like to have that freedom of choice, many options to choose from and there’s that mystery behind a new flavor that customers would like to uncover; new flavors will turn your business around. That being said, it is a risky endeavor to experiment with food but it will pay off if you get it right. a successful bagel shop owner is an inventor. You will have to kiss many frogs before you find that prince but that could be what sets you apart and ensure that more people troop in to see what’s new on the menu in a competitive business.

You should also know how to encourage new flavors. When you’ve just made a new flavor, you could let them try one for free or tell them to buy two and get one free. This is the most effective way to market your new bagel flavors.

  • Friendly salesperson

This is the secret to “getting away with murder” in the business- become your customers’ friend. A little mistake could become a huge problem; a stressed person would easily find anything offensive and that could lead to trouble for you regardless of whose fault it is.

Form a bond with your customers and make them feel like family in no time. If a customer is having a bad day, do something extra to lighten up their mood, and if they are celebrating, make a meal out of it. That way, even when you err in some aspects, they would call your attention and not make a big deal out of it.

  • Patience and dedication

Good things take time and you will need to be a patient person especially as a new bagel shop owner. Bagels are very popular and lots of businesses are already household names when it comes to making bagels. A lot of franchises are being constantly set up in the best parts of town which means that a lot of your potential customers already have their favorite bagel shops. Patience is vital if you intend to succeed in the business. You must be realistic about your expectations in the early stages of opening your bagel shop and that should help you know that it would take some time and plenty of hard work before the people start trooping in. See your bagel shop as a calling to bring joy to people and remain dedicated to your goal. You should not be fazed by difficult situations because it is only a phase.

What conditions favor the sale of bagels?

  • Fast paced nature of the business

Bagels sell mostly in fast paced environments where people don’t have even a second to waste. The good thing about this is that bagels are fast food and that’s why bagels are come to mind first for extremely busy people. The way your bagel business and the services you render are structured must be in line with the pace and the intensity of the atmosphere. Many people, especially in the early hours of the day, would not have the time to sit down and eat therefore they would prefer to buy food they can easily carry. It is even possible for some to eat and walk at the same time because of their busy schedule and bagels will allow that compared to most types food. All that will be needed to make customers purchase their food on the go will be made available by you and you’re in business thanks to the nature of it.

  • Time of the day

Most people, especially in the morning, don’t have the time to prepare a proper breakfast and that is what a bagel business thrives on. If people were to make their own food from home, the bagel business would not be what it is today and no thanks to the extremely busy schedules a lot of people have, there’s just not enough time to prepare a home cooked meal in the morning. Mornings are usually when bagel shops would expect heavy patronage and all hands must be on deck because there is competition everywhere and no one has time to wait in line. Put a lot of effort in having enough manpower in the early hours of the day, and even lunchtime, because that is when you will enjoy your business the most.

  • Different flavors available

A bagel is one of the most independent pastries you will find. Bagels usually go fantastically well with coffee or any other beverage but without these “partners in crime” they can run the operation solo. The different flavors there are have just the right amount of ingredients to meet the demands of your taste buds. From cinnamon and raisin to poppy seed, and even coffee flavored bagels, you can have your bagel anyway. So if you are having a problem with an espresso machine or you just can’t afford to add beverages to the list of food items to go with your bagels, people will still buy.

One more reason why a bagel business keeps thriving is because bagels let you do a lot of things with them depending on your cravings or health challenges. Whether it is peanut butter and jelly or egg and cheese, there are a variety of toppings- and more inventions of toppings coming out regularly- to keep people coming for it. Bagels are for everyone, so as you intend to open your bagel shop, you have a lot of things to be excited about.

How can you start a bagel shop?

  • Get permit

Every food business owner must have a license to operate. Governments all over the world take food consumption seriously and any violation of the terms and conditions given will be punishable according to the law. Your bagel business must have passed a series of screening before you are permitted to open shop. Your shop will be inspected to meet all safety and food hygiene requirements including where you make the food and how you store them. You must endeavor to get all the necessary things in place, get your business registered, insure your business because a natural disaster to happen, there could be a riot or even a robbery which could ruin your business. Getting a permit will depend on the location your shop will be opened and you must also get legal backing in case something goes wrong.

  • Rent shop

Renting a shop will be another important thing to look at because a lot of factors are to be considered carefully. After registering your business and even before completing the whole process, you would have to rent a shop to show the inspecting team what the place would look like. The shop will be inspected and if all goes well, you can start selling bagels. The most important thing about renting a shop is the rent. You must be realistic as to know what you need and can afford before you jump in. inspect the shop and see what needs fixing so that you will know how much mire you would have to cough out for the repairs. Knowing this sooner will also help you when negotiating with the landlord. Some bagel business owners use food trucks instead due to reasons like location and ease of movement, while others just have stands where they sell bagels. You have options depending on the location, your preference, your budget and most importantly what is best for the business.

  • Get equipment/tools

After getting a place to operate, you will turn your attention to getting all the necessary equipment you need for the business. Some bagel making machines and tools are expensive so you have to find other means. The best equipment and tools anyone should buy are the new ones but if you can’t afford it at the moment, then get the used ones. There are stores where you can buy old cooking, frying and baking equipment that are still in good condition. These tools will also include storage equipment where you can properly preserve food. A truck will also be needed.

  • Get staff

It would be a lot to ask for you to do it all alone especially as your business develops. You will need to get people to help you make the bagels and also serve customers. In a fast paced environment, you will not last a week doing it all by yourself. However, you have to carefully pick a mixture of talented and trustworthy people to work with or for you. The ones to help prepare the bagels must be tested and trusted bagel experts. Customers expect great service which means that anyone attending to them must be courteous.

  • Study the location

Information cannot be taken for granted in this business as it what will keep you relevant. Many things should be noted especially with regards to the vicinity of your bagel shop. Study the goings on in the neighborhood and the latest trends as you keep running your business. Fresh business ideas will come to you that would suit the current state of things in the environment and that could improve patronage. Your marketing strategy should be formed from that knowledge. Who’s the new competitor in the neighborhood, what drives sales in the area, what the people respond to the most and more will be discovered. 

In choosing a location for your bagel shop, there are some specific things to consider. Some of these factors can affect the outcome of your business instantly while others may take time before you notice.

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  • Water

Water is definitely how you get powdered flour and every other necessary ingredient to form dough in the first place, and that goes for every pastry, but for bagels water is far more important than that. The ph scale of water can affect the overall outcome and possibly the taste of your bagel. Contrary to some people’s beliefs, hard water is actually better for your bagel due to its higher level of acidity compared to soft water as yeast thrives in more acidic environments. On the other hand, soft water weakens the dough therefore to balance the ingredients more yeast will need to be added. This knowledge will help you make great bagels.

  • Ease of access

A thriving bagel shop is always easy to gain access to. A lot of them are usually found close to office buildings while some have their stands by the road. The nature of the business and the schedule of the people buying these bagels means that no extra time should be wasted in trying to reach you. Choose a location that people from all walks of life can reach you easily.

  • Market your business

To get people to patronize your bagel shop, they have to know that  a new bagel shop that’s worth trying is in town and that’s where marketing comes in. marketing can be expensive and it will not bring success if you don’t do it right. You probably have spent a lot to start the business and that means you don’t have a lot of cash left to market your new business, use the more affordable ways like handing leaflets and posters to skaters since you cannot afford a billboard (which is unnecessary). Look out for influential people or some of the most popular spots where people hang out, talk to them and figure something out that will benefit everyone. Local radio hosts are also some of the really influential people you can give samples to. Social media is also important and cheap, so make the best use of it.

  • Get feedback

Before you go on to officially open your bagel shop, it is advisable to literally give your potential customers a taste of what to expect from you.  When you are opening a bagel shop in a location that already has one or two similar business there, you must really step up your game and one of the best ways is to let people see what your own brand is made of and get feedback from them on how to improve and win them over. This free food tasting will also help you bond with prospective customers. Therefore, before you go live, you should have a food tasting pre-opening to build rapport and to market your new business.

  • Create options to go with bagel

The average person likes to feel like they are in control of their choices so give them plenty. One mistake business people make is not realizing the psychology of a customer, few options feels like they are being told, “just these two are good for you- pick one” and it can be insulting to some. Make actual plans on how to go about creating many options and flavors to choose from. You should also look into making your own signature flavor that is exclusive to only you. In addition, make beverages that go well with bagels available to boost sales and also to give the customer the full experience. You might lose customers if they feel that they would have to go about looking for where to buy coffee after they must have purchased your bagel; it can be a bit stressful and no customer wants that.

  • Open your bagel shop

It’s the moment you have been waiting for- D-day! Knowing all that you had to go through before being able to finally open a bagel shop will make the day even more special. Assuming that you had already done the free bagel testing, gotten all the reviews, worked on them, done all the advertising the best way you could, you should be in a good position to open your bagel shop. Opening your shop however, should be well thought out and planned because it will be your chance to make a good first impression. Get all the staff ready, clean the area, make sure the pans are hot make provision for more people than you expect. You must look neat and your shop, food truck or stand must be clean as well. There should be no room for error, neither should the customers have any complaint whatsoever.

  • Maintain a high standard

Starting is not easy but remaining consistent is even harder. You must have a high standard, set a bar high and maintain that standard. Some customers have special restaurants they have been patronizing since they were kids and the keep going there because the quality is still as high as ever. This is what you must strive to accomplish. The moment you start making customers, find ways to make them remain loyal and maintaining a high standard is one of the most important ways of achieving it. Let people take a bite and be able to tell that it’s your bagel. Let them take a sniff and know where it’s from. A signature look, taste and feel will not be forgotten easily.

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Bagels sell and people love them. If you make great bagels, you could become someone’s hero and that means a lot. When you love what you do and people can taste all that love in each bite, then you’ve made it! This is where you start making your dough- literally.

Foods and Healthcare

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